We capture wellness

you wear a better lifestyle

UK family-run, independent wellness advocates

Unlock a heightened state of mind

pure fragranced diffusion - on the go

Hand-crafted ethically with care, using sustainably sourced 100% pure essential oils. Powerful fragrance blends for therapeutic healing, using stylish accessories to wear.

Enhanced Mood

Uplifting aromas to help strengthen inner connections and personal development for a harmonious lifestyle.

Anxiety Relief

Soothing scents that provide peace of mind by naturally alleviating symptoms of stress, offering comfort and tranquillity.

Improved Function

Experience increased focus and cognitive balance through the powerful influence of wearable, slow-release fragrances.

Need an uplift or unique gift idea?

We design real, hand-made, aromatic zen amulets that provide floral, herbaceous and wild scents - used to induce a healthy mind and lifestyle:

Incredible slow-release fragrances are a holistic way to enjoy soothing body-balancing properties, with therapeutic effects to the mind, helping you ground and overcome any situation. Improve your MODE ~ from nature to nurture.

Blending traditional healing, with distinctive new styles

Boost your essence in 3 simple steps:

Order your favourite

Our Zentz range provides aromatic amulets to enhance your MODE, choose one to help and remedy in the area where you feel it's needed most.

Delivered to your door

Expand your senses, feel empowered and give others something to talk about - who doesn't like the scent of fresh meadow on a new spring day?

Wear and enjoy the bliss

Reconfigure your MODE with subtle blends of fragrances, specially designed to work with you to help you become a better version of yourself.

Discover how we craft Zentz to enrich your life

Embark on a journey of fragrance and wellness with us, our unique purpose is dedicated to exploring how aromatic treatments work wonders on your mental function and MODE reconfiguration. Our holistic approach combines tradition and modernity, inviting you to embrace inner peace and harmony, through your own experiences in life - it makes complete scents!

Reconfigure your MODE ~ attune your mind, body and spirit

Changing things one step at a time:

We aim to make a difference to the way fragrances are used in every day life. By utilising subtle, yet powerful blends, your senses fine-tune to an alternate level - find your zone!

Eco-friendly, Fair, Ethically Sourced

Created using sustainably sourced essential oils, we support fair wages in EU farming communities.

Diligently Tested, Pure Best-Quality

Essences are crucially tested for purity through distillation methods, and verified for approved use.

Aromatic Freedom,

Long-term Healing

Enjoy the benefits of using 100% pure, highest grade fragrances available, ever, to nourish mental wellness.

Customise Your Own - Save Money

Choose from many fragrances and designs - experiment with different benefits to spread the cost!

Simply push to 'pop' and activate the diffusion experience right away!

Our fragrances are potent, yet not too overpowering; this way you can enjoy subtle, slow-release, no mess aromatherapy, on the go. You will begin to notice the gentle effects on how you respond to life. What's best, is that our unique designs will leave your friends and family buzzing - we offer discounts for sharing us too!

So, how do they work?

Our Story 

We are a family, with a desire to make a difference to how you deal with life! Living by the coast in the south of the UK (Netley Abbey, Hampshire) we are lucky to live so close to nature. Our kids love being out in the wild! I began my career as a garden designer and landscaper, and have always felt connected to the great outdoor - it's our chance to bring the outdoors to you!

As wellness advocates, it's important in this day and age to find balance during our hectic lives. We hope you have the opportunity to experience the benefits - Order and notice for yourself.

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Someone saying something nice about what you do is priceless. Click here to add a quote from a customer or a fan.

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Someone saying something nice about what you do is priceless. Click here to add a quote from a customer or a fan.

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We want to hear what you think

Let us know how Zentz® works for you. Provide us with an online review, and we will provide you with a FREE refill for any range that we provide!

Fancy 10% off?

Start your inner journey

Order Yours Today

Discover a way to embrace the power of..... well, yourself!

Connect with Mode for guidance and support.
